Unwelcome Visitors is currently getting all of the attention. Currently standing at thirty-three thousand words. we’ve progressed to now know the situation in the neighbouring village, and its not good. Our hero has resolved to investigate and is, even as we speak, en route to do so.
One of the sub-villains, the heroes’ current boss is descending into panic induced paralysis, or so it seems. a refusal to acknowledge the seriosness of the situation and a fond belief in his own adequacy are conspiring to add him to the list of issues that have to be dealt with before the matter can be resolved.
Fortunately help is at hand, or at least not too far away. the lovely Felicity has summoned her old tutor to assist her in a scientific analysis of the problem and the ultimate boss is off doing ‘something’ although we’re not sure yet exactly what that is.
i’ve set a provisional target date for completion of the first draft as 31st October 2019. that currently means about one thousand words a day which isn’t too bad. just let’s hope that nothing else gets in the way.