The word count is now around 78k, I’ve still got quite a bit of story to tell and it looks as though the finished work will run to around 85-90k words. We now have the final member of the team in place: MG. He’s already proved his worth with a daring rescue. He’s still struggling with the new ‘world’ that he’s suddenly discovered, but I’m sure he’ll be fine.
We’ve had our first serious encounter with the villain (after all this time). it didn’t go well, but there’s still a chance to rectify that situation I have a feeling that we need a liaison type, contact with the local police. It would certainly simplify things and hopefully set up some interesting conflicts involving LW
Just read some advice that we should really be ‘saving the world’ and that the journey our Main Character undertakes should be global in scale. Can’t say that I’m going to start the whole story over again and go down that route. I’m going to run with this idea and see how it pans out in the end.