The Cold Tale will now take a back burner for a while, I’ve started to work on the sequel to Luck is a Leprechaun. The working title is Luck in a Pickle, but that will probably change as things move on.
This will be written in the third person, I’m happier to read works in third person narrative, and while the first book went better than I might have expected, there are some restrictions on how much of the story you can tell when you are basically just following the main character around.
Adverse and his nefarious twin sister will be front and centre for this one i think, CL will be something of a background character but still involved.
I’ve been ‘advised’ that I need to give more explanation of some of the things that were left unsaid in the first book – why Marc? who are the old couple in the library? and what are they up to? So I’ll give them all more of an explanatory work-out this time round.