It seems that researching while writing is more than half the fun. Or so far, at least. Looking up archaic the usage of words, making sure that the facts are right in the context of the setting and desperately trying not to be distracted by some obscure tidbit of knowledge that suddenly drops in your lap all add to the pleasure.
However, it does slow down the whole process of writing and if I’m not too careful I think I could find that the research becomes more than just a useful asset, it can become the purpose of the whole project.
As a case in point, the current story is set in medieval England, 1201 to be precise. It was a hugely active time and fascinating for anyone with even the slightest interest in history. To this end, I found a wonderful website with incredibly useful information: The History of England, The podcasts contained there are fascinating, informative and entertaining. You need to become a member to hear the podcast. Currently, the fee is £4 per month and well worth it. even if you don’t want to spend the money there are lots of useful articles maps and tables that are invaluable, it’s highly recommended and well worth supporting. However, you can spend an inordinate amount of time on a site like that if you’re not careful. So be warned.