It seems strange that the characters in story sometimes take over and shape where the story is going and what is likely to be happening.
In the current story the male main character, de Quincey was always going to be the strongest. The one with the most action and in theatrical terms, the most lines. While it’s true he’s there or therabouts he seems to be drifting into the background a little and his place taken by Eleanor, the female main character. She has by far the most action (and the most blood on her hands) and together with Guy her travelling companion they have the better lines, I think.
I really didn’t anticipate that. She was always going to be less important than de Quincey, but his journey is pretty routine, while her’s is full of action and danger. (For the record she’s currently trapped in a forest surrounded by pursuing soldiers and her,,, well that would be telling).
Current word count is 47100. I’m managing a comfortable 1000 words a day, along with everything else we have to do in these isolated times.
The neighbours are loving the saxophone, or at least they haven’t actually complained yet, which to me seems to be the same thing.