Some weeks ago I submitted a short story to the Strange Horizon’s website. It was rejected, which was a little disappointing, but not the end of the world. I blogged then that I felt I could quite easily take that short story and make it into a full-length novel with just a few minor changes.
‘Unwelcome Visitors,’ is the result and it’s starting to come together now. I’m about 11k words in and I have a nice list of characters who’re investigating a strange murder and a number of missing persons , all up on a snow covered moor in the depths of winter.
Currently the time-scale covers just one day, although that will be extended as the action progresses, we’re nearly at the end of that first day.
We’ve had a second body found in unusual circumstances, but no obvious cause of death yet – probably need to wait for a post-mortem to get that.
Unlike the Leprechaun story, I’m telling this from a third-person point of view which I much prefer when I’m reading.