The first draft is now complete, around 78,500 words, done and dusted. I’ll print off a hard copy for editing later today and then put it away for a little while, probably until NaNoWriMo is out of the way. Hopefully, Mrs D will give it a serious going over first. I’m aware of a few things that will definitely need some attention and re-writing, and I know I left a few ‘hooks’ in there to be followed through. Not least the journalist who only appears in one scene but really should make more of a nuisance of himself.
Still, you can’t edit until it’s written and now it is, so onwards and upwards.
I’ve had something of a change of heart about the November Project. It was going to be a sort of modern Gothic horror story with supernatural overtones. I’ve had the whole thing plotted out and ready to go for a couple of weeks now. Then I had a change of heart, I’ve decided to go for a satire, on the publishing industry and the pretentious so and so’s who float around the outskirts of academia.
Watch this space.