What with Covid and lockdowns and music exams and all, its been a while. But hopefully, things are starting to settle down a little now.
I”ve finished re-writing parts of Dark Roads, added a little more descriptive narrative as suggested by an early reader. Picked out lots of typos and silly simple mistakes. In particular, the time-lines just didn’t work. Basically, there are three separate stories that have an intertwining that should work. But as originally written, one of the stories actually lasted about ten days or so and another six to eight weeks. It really didn’t make a lot of sense as it was, so I’ve moved things around to bring them into line.
The main male character and the main female character never actually meet, which wasn’t how I saw things at the outset, but it works for me and can hardly be called a cliché.
I’ll try and keep this blog more up to date from now on, but I’m not sure what I’ll be writing next, so let’s see where it goes.