There a couple of things to keep me occupied, the first is getting a cover designed for Dark Roads. Graphical design is far from my strongest suite, but I’ll struggle through until I get something that looks close enough to what I want. Unsplash here I come, I think. It looks like they have lots of free and royalty-free suitable photographs
The second is trying to finish Luck in a Pickle. There are still two items that need attention, the first and the more minor is the denouement. There’s been quite a bit leading up to the climactic battle between good and evil and I have the map pretty much in my head as to how that should play out. The second and rather more difficult issue is the question of giving the bad guys some reasonable ‘selling point’ for their product. I have something currently in place but it feels too weak at the moment so I need to strengthen it but not so much as to lose the fairly light tone I was aiming at with the series.
Longer-term I have an idea for a religious/supernatural thriller. I’ve done a couple of short stories for this one, but there’s a long way to go.