One of the problems that crop up when there are several distinct but connected strands to a story is making sure that everything and everyone is in synch.
Currently at 95%+ into the story and I suddenly find one of my characters is where he shouldn’t actually be. The bad guys have launched a vicious attack which Fitzwilliam would have helped repel, except he’s already at Kendal Castle. It seems I’ve managed to lose a full day in the narrative somehow.
What I need is a decent timeline program. One that will run on the Mac. A quick search of the App Stire and there they are. Basically fully-featured project management programs, that look perfect if completely over the top and way too expensive to justify.
I turned to Scapple, a neat and fairly simple graphic app from the makers of Scrivener. Not exactly what I want, but it’s good enough and as I already have it, there’s no further cost. Literature and Latte strike again.