While the pacing of the story is one concern, there is also the pacing of the writing. It isn’t the same sort of issue. In the story, we need to keep the reader’s attention, so the ebb and flow of action and the changes of perspective all add to the mix. In the writing, it’s more of a challenge to keep the process moving along.
Lots of advice from people who have been successful writers follows similar paths. You should write every day. You should write at the same time and in the same place every day. In effect you need to get into a habit, it’s easier to maintain your momentum if you can manage that.
It’s good advice, even if a little difficult to follow for those of us who have other things to do. I guess a professional, full-time writer must treat the process like any other job. You go to the office, the factory or the shop at pretty much the same time and in the same place and that’s where you do your work. If that work happens to be writting a novel or a magazine article then that’s what you do.
In the current lock-down situation some will find this easier, provided the sudden presence of children doesn’t impinge on the plan. I know I’m pretty lucky, I write for pleasure, not profit (chance would be a fine thing) and I tend to do the bulk of my writing before 7 am, how sad is that? But at least its a habit and is consistent.