Very little real writing this last week, I’ve been doing a bit of practice on the clarinet, and also getting distracted by US politics, or at least what passes for politics over there. It’s a scary place. I’m not sure I could write anything quite that dark.
I’ve just finished reading Den of Spies by Craig Unger. I’d recommend it to anyone who’s any interest in politics, the US, or democracy in general. It’s a documentary about the corruption of the whole electoral process by one particular party in the US. Spoiler alert, it’s not the Democrats.
I’ve made a very tentative approach to a professional illustrator about a cover for my urban fantasy story. I’m currently editing it and I think it’s almost ready for the ‘big push.’ Stay tuned for more…
Glad you are doing well with your writing! I hope your meeting with your professional illustrator goes well.
Writing, despite impossible distractions…? That’s great.
Years ago, half my first degree was in politics. ( why ?)
On November 5th 2024, I spent much of the day working with one of my cousins on the cover design for my new e-book (a ghost story.) Almost my writing buddy, except that’s not how we think of it, he lives California, U.S. citizen, I’m in the UK.