Yesterday was both a good and a bad day.
Bad because I didn’t write a single word. did some thinking about the WIP, didn’t quite reach a decision about where it’s going, so not productive in that sense. Plus I had a non-productive think about the question for the next writer’s group. ‘Tell an existing children’s story from a different perspective.’
Good because I caught up with a couple of other things that I need to keep moving. Had a productive meeting with a great group of volunteers about what we need to plan for the rest of the year. Plus I reached out to my music teacher to try and get back on track with the clarinet, (I’ve been slacking since before Christmas, and that’s not a good thing). So back to the liquorice gob-stopper for me.
And as it’s now 4:15am I’ve some time to get a few words down before the rest of the world is up and about.